Tbilisi State Medical University
Tbilisi State Medical University (TSMU) located in Tbilisi – Capital of Georgia was founded in 1918 and became one of the high-ranking state-supported institutions of higher education in the whole Caucasus region. True to its motto “PerTraditiones AdFuturum” in Latin, meaning “With Traditions to the Future”, the University with more than 100 years of existence stands without losing its pride in the whole Caucasus region.
TSMU provides competitive, international-level education through development of profound academic knowledge, professional ethics, values, clinical reasoning, practical and communication skills. The main guiding principles of TSMU activities are fully in line with the strategies of the European educational system.
TSMU is considered as the most demanded higher medical University in Georgia and has more than 7500 undergraduate, 3000 postgraduate and 720 Professors in its fold. Due to the international recognition of Tbilisi State Medical University, the University has nearly 2500 international students from 72 countries worldwide. Georgia has become an international center for medical education that is an important step towards integration into the European educational area.
To date, Tbilisi State Medical University has five faculties: Medicine, Stomatology, Pharmacy, Public health, Physical medicine and rehabilitation. TSMU is a full member of the European Education Area that means its active involvement in functioning of this educational system, determining directions for development and implementation, establishing free and close scientific and academic relationships with the educational, scientific and clinical centers throughout the world.
1200 staff, with 720 professors and 142 Doctors of Science
Up to 7500 undergraduate students and 3000 post graduate studies
TSMU has sport complex, 2 foot ball fields, 2 sports halls, open and closed courts, etc.
Up to 10 research centers
Modern library and IT technologies
5 University clinics:
First University Clinic
Apolon Urushadze University Clinic
N.1 Dental Clinic
N.2 Dental Clinic
Givi Zhvania Pediatric Academic Clinic
TSMU is the full member of the following international organizations & associations:
EUA - European Universities Association (EUA)
AMEE - Association of Medical Education of Europe (AMEE)
EMSA - European Medical Students’ Association (EMSA)
ESRUC - Eurasian Silk Road Universities Consortium (ESRUC)
IAUP – International Association of University Presidents
EUPHA – The European Public Health Association
EPSA – European Pharmaceutical Students’ Association
IFMSA – The International Federation of Medical Students’ Assocation
TSMU is affiliated with
WHO – Word Health Organisation
WFME - World federation of Medical Education
UNESCO – United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
USAID – United State Agency for International Development
JSI – John Snow Inc
DAAD – German Academic Exchange Service
ECFMG - Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates